Limited Contact Options
Vehicle Drop-off Program
Do you prefer to limit contact? We’re glad to accommodate with our no-contact vehicle drop-off program. Here’s how it works…
- Call your preferred store location upon arrival. Find our phone number here.
- We’ll take the details on the services you would like completed.
- You can leave your keys in your vehicle, and our technician will move it to a bay to perform the needed services.
- Upon completion of the work, we will call you to collect payment by phone.
- Your receipt will be sent to you via email.
- We will place your key or smartfob as directed by you so you can pick up your vehicle at your convenience.
Exterior Vehicle Access Only
As a customer, you can arrive to our store (with or without an appointment) and stay in your vehicle until it is time to move into a bay. At that time, the following options are available:
- You can drive your vehicle into the service bay; our technician will direct you.
- You can then choose one of the following:
- — Exit your vehicle (our personnel will move back a safe distance) and return when work is complete to remove it from the bay.
- — Stay in your vehicle while service is performed*.
- Upon completion of the work, you can pay for your services by phone.
- Your receipt will be sent via email.
With this process, our employees will not access your vehicle’s interior.
* This option is available for most services.